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The Unheard Word

One woman's slightly skewed views

Updates for the new year

Ok! I’m back. It’s been several months of major upheaval (marriage break-up, selling the property, finding a home for the horses, moving house twice, and so on) but I’m finally settled in my own home and just loving it.

I’m working on a new business website, getting new business cards made up (having reverted to my maiden name. Professionally it makes sense to stay consistent, whatever my marital status!) and am generally feeling great about life and work. It’s been a while!

One less-than-ideal piece of news is that recent hearing tests show a sharp decline. I’ve apparently lost most of the speech frequencies in the last few years. My audiologist said, “You don’t hear speech.” I said to her, “Well I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” and she told me, “You just don’t know how good you are at guessing. You do not hear what I am saying. You can’t.” She tells me a cochlear implant will give me my speech frequencies back so I’ve set wheels in motion to look into that. There is apparently a years-long waiting list as it’s an extremely expensive operation, and then 12 months of intensive (like 3x a week) speech therapy to get through, but maybe then I will hear?

Aside from all that, I have quite a few things planned for 2007, including some of the things that were meant to happen in 2006 except that circumstances got in the way! Onwards and upwards, etc etc! I’ll be able to update on at least some of these things within the next couple of weeks.

That’s about all in the way of updates for now. I will keep this blog going, and will provide some meat to consume… it’s just been a really tough year or so. Roll on, 2007!

4 Responses to “Updates for the new year”

  1. rosemary Says:

    It was great to meet you in 2006. I hope 2007 is a really happy year for you. Look forward to seeing you at some of the local web women events!

  2. Gavin jacobi Says:

    Hey Vicki!
    Good to see you up and running again!

    Not good to hear about the speech frequency decline — I guess you have some big decisions to make there.

    I notice Jeremy mentioned the problem with podcasts. Hopefully it will encourage more people to provide transcripts.

    Twitter… I just haven’t gotten into that yet… Hmmm.

    By all accounts 2007 is going to be big!

  3. Ricky Onsman Says:

    Hey Vicki

    As someone who had seriously impaired hearing for all of my life until a year or so ago (addressed in my case by ear drum skin graft), and who has worked with Deaf people and other People with Disabilities (capitalisation very much deliberate), I’d have to say hearing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

    Without knowing you (and how the hell did that happen – I was at WE04, WE05, WD06), I suspect your audiologist is right. It is SO easy to guess what people are saying. You read lips, read faces, read gestures … and fill in the gaps.

    Anyway, you’ve clearly made a strong impression on some people who will continue to shape the future. As you can tell, I’m not certain about the value of ‘perfect’ hearing. But I think that hearing or no needn’t affect who you are and what you want to do.

    You go.



  4. Jo Says:

    I hope that all your plans come to light and that you keep moving forward. Good to see you up and about again.