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The Unheard Word

One woman's slightly skewed views

Author Archive

8 things you didn’t know about me

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Ben Winter-Giles, a webdev friend I met at Web Directions South in 2006, tagged me a while back but, true to form, I’m very late to the party! However, better late than never. (Perhaps!) For those who haven’t heard about it yet: The rules : Link to your tagger and post these rules. List EIGHT […]

Vicki’s Vapours

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

Posting on this blog slowed right down a long time ago, and I’m finding it hard to find fresh things to write about from a technical and web development perspective. When something interesting does come along, I always seem to be too busy to post about it when it’s fresh. Such is (my) life. So […]

WebJam Perth

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

That’s right folks, WebJam is finally coming to Perth. Whoo hoo! So, what is WebJam? To put it in Myles’s words, WebJam is an event where: …we have a number of presenters who get 3 minutes to show us what they are working on, why it is cool and why we should vote for them. […]

MailTags 2 Workflow

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

MailTags is probably the single most productivity-increasing plug-in/utility I use, and I thought it might be useful for other folks to get an idea of how I integrate it into my workflow. MailTags is a plug-in for Apple’s Mail application. It allows the user to assign keywords, project names, notes (and you can even replace […]


Sunday, June 24th, 2007

The word “should” is one I took a dislike to years ago, ever since the man I married at 19 (when I was too young and naive to know better) would say to me, “You should not do this. You should not feel like that”. By definition, “should” is unrelated to reality, except to exemplify […]

Viewing web pages in NetNewsWire’s preview pane

Tuesday, March 13th, 2007

Quite by accident, I just figured out a neat new trick in NetNewsWire, which (for the uninitiated) is a fantabulous newsfeed reader for OSX – the best I’ve tried, and I’ve tried every one on the market that I have come across. Bearing in mind that I’m a software junkie, that’s more than a few!

When viewing posts in NetNewsWire’s preview pane […] there’s no option to open the web page right there in the preview pane.

TextExpander for web development work

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

There are a lot of coding tools available these days that offer some form of snippets. The idea is to save sections of code that are re-used often, in an easily accessible format. Dreamweaver, for example, has a snippets panel. But it can still get tedious to locate the snippet you need, especially when it’s one you use a lot.

TextExpander is a nifty Mac OSX Preference Pane utility that, upon a trigger or pre-defined keystroke combination, inserts “snippets” of text anywhere in the OS.

Updates for the new year

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

After some major upheavals in 2006, things are finally getting back on track and 2007 looks like being a corker!

The people of Web Directions South ’06

Friday, October 13th, 2006

It’s already two weeks after the event, so it’s about time I put pen to paper (so to speak) and blogged about Web Directions South. (Actually, it’s about time I blogged about anything at all, it’s been so long!)

Plenty of people have talked about the sessions and how much they gained from them. I’ve found it fascinating to see the different areas in which different people found value.

For myself, because of my hearing (or lack thereof) it’s not so much about the sessions: it’s about the people.

Perth Web Standards Group Meeting — Thursday 31st August

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

For those of us in Perth, this is just a reminder that the Perth WSG meeting will be tomorrow night. Nick Cowie is presenting on making web forms both attractive and accessible. Nick is a great guy who really knows his stuff, and together with the networking fun (and the nibblies! and the cheap drinks available at the bar!) it will be a great evening.