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The Unheard Word

One woman's slightly skewed views

Archive for August, 2005

Laid up

Thursday, August 18th, 2005

This one’s definitely in the “@Home” category.For the last 3 days I’ve been in immense pain, having done “something” to my back…. It went from mere discomfort in the morning to crippling pain in the evening, then got worse over the next day…. So I tried to see a massage therapist, thinking that if it were one of my horses I’d get a professional to look into it.

Politically-correct labels

Wednesday, August 10th, 2005

An interesting discussion recently on the Web Standards Group (WSG) email list last week prompted me to write about political-correctness in the area of web accessibility.

There was a some dissent on the list about the correct labels to apply to people with disabilities.

The New Multi-button Mac Mouse

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

Dubbed the Mighty Mouse, Apple has released a new, multi-button mouse.It looks very much like the existing Apple Pro Mouse: same shape and size.
