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The Unheard Word

One woman's slightly skewed views

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The New Multi-button Mac Mouse

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

Dubbed the Mighty Mouse, Apple has released a new, multi-button mouse.It looks very much like the existing Apple Pro Mouse: same shape and size.

Accesskeys are “handy”

Sunday, July 31st, 2005

I’ve just added accesskeys to the menu items and “skip to” links on my re-vamped business website. (And about time, too, I know!)

More on IE7

Sunday, July 31st, 2005

Well, I feel thoroughly put in my place. 🙂

I do tend to jump the gun, somewhat! I suppose I’m guilty of making assumptions based on Microsoft’s past record, which may not be fair, but I did conveniently forget that the IE7 beta is just that: a beta.

IE7 beta review

Friday, July 29th, 2005

Dave Shea from Mezzoblue was quick off the mark with his review of the new IE7 beta.

Equal column heights for CSS layouts

Friday, July 29th, 2005

I just love this script from Project Seven.

Rani’s Fetlock Again

Monday, July 25th, 2005

I gave Rani his 3rd (out of a total of 4) injection today. It was supposed to be two weeks (in other words, around about now) before an improvement in the swelling was evident. But there is no change at all.

The Dashboard Weather Widget Actually Works!

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

I had given up on this. The widget automatically picked up (presumably from my system) that I am in Perth so I assumed it would know I was in Perth, Western Australia as that is the setting on my system — but the temperatures being returned were ridiculously different to the actual weather here. I assumed this widget was only useful for U.S. users who could also enter their ZIP codes to choose their city.

Innovative Texting Shorthand

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

This is really just a heads-up for some not-new news, but I thought this idea shows promise.

New Windows Version to be called Vista

Saturday, July 23rd, 2005

Longhorn is no more. (Well, maybe it is, but I’m guessing it won’t be referred to as Longhorn from now on!) Microsoft has announced the new (well, upcoming) Windows version is to be called Windows Vista.

Making money out of tragedy

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

A friend’s ex-wife, who had the misfortune to be involved in the London bombings a couple of weeks ago, has apparently pocketed some cash from talking to the media (tv and magazine).

My first instinct was “That’s shocking. Making money out of a tragedy and other people’s misery.” But actually her story didn’t come across like that and truthfully I don’t care what her motives were and are. It is my own reaction, which was identical to those of the friends and family to whom I mentioned it, that interests me.